
A lot of people have asked me how I stay so dedicated. They ask me how I do it and what was the secret to my success. I never really had an answer; I would always just reply that I was committed until I read and related to a chapter in Becoming your own BAWSE by @lilysingh. 

FOMO - I think many individuals have a hard time achieving success or simply “buckling down”,  because they are people pleasers and they just don't want to miss out. 

In case you aren’t aware of the meaning of FOMO it means the Fear of Missing Out. Unlike many others (my husband and one of our  daughters in particular), I DO NOT HAVE FOMO. I don’t care that I enjoy going to bed at 8:45pm. I don't care that during the week I would rather stay at home and watch a tv show. I don’t care that I can easily say “No” to people. 

I have been teased for my lack of FOMO most of my life. Yes, I like to socialize and hit up a good dance party, but over time I have learned that taking care of myself is WAY more important than caring about what others may think of me. 

So, unless your event finishes by 8pm in order for me to be home and ready for bed by 9, don’t count me in. I’ll be over here taking care of me while you go see what the rest of the world is up to. 


Comparing our bodies


Protein variation