About Me

  • Wife

    I have been married to my wonderful husband for 18 years. We are one of those diamond in rough couples who met in high school and have been together ever since.

  • Mom

    I have 2 beautiful daughters. Sloan is 7 and Skyla is 5. Motherhood has taught me so much. It is no easy journey but I wouldn’t trade it in for the world.

  • Teacher

    I have been a French immersion teacher for 14 years. I teach grade 7 girls physical education and etude sociale. I love having interactions with my students and I can say that my job is never boring.

  • Daughter

    My mom was the strongest ‘womom’ I know! She fought stage 4 ovarian cancer, was opinionated and alway supported me in anything I did. It is because of her I am and continue to be the ‘womom’ I am today. This was the very last picture I took with her. She passed suddenly from a stroke in August 2020.

  • Traveler

    My husband and I love to travel!! we have visited 42 countries around the world and hope we can take our girls on some more wonderful adventures. My ideal vacation includes heat, a pool and places we can hike.