Play with food

Halloween is my favourite holiday. We use to have epic Halloween parties, I would decorate our entire house all the appetizers I served were Halloween themed it was awesome. 

Since having kids (and stupid Covid) Halloween looks a lot different. As my girls get older, we can pull out scarier things, decorate more and they help me get things prepped. 

It is also the time of year that I like to play with food. I like to see what I can make and make it Halloween themed. 

This year was no different. For breakfast we had guts (cinnamon buns) and fruit. Lunch was a delicious charcuterie with Halloween bread and home made Halloween shaped pop tarts. Supper included pumpkin faced turkey burgers, a vegetable Skelton, a pumpkin who had ‘way too much candy’ and bat and pumpkin shaped sweet potato fries (but got a bit burnt). 

I love doing it. It’s to see what you can with food and it’s fun watching the girls reactions to what I serve. 

I encourage you to play with food and see what you can do. 


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