I don’t have time…

I don’t have time….. the number one one excuse people have as to why they don’t workout/take time for themselves.

Let me be clear that this is an EXCUSE, everybody does have time, you just need to find out when it is best for you. I bet you can scroll through your social media for 20-30-40 minutes, why not use that time to do something for yourself. Go for a walk or do some body weight exercises.

You need to schedule it like anything else you do. When I first started on my journey I had to schedule time to workout twice a week. It was in my calendar, in fact it was even in my husband’s calendar. You schedule dentist appointments, nail appointments, hair appointments so why not schedule in time for yourself.

I know it is VERY easy to push that time aside or fill it with something else but don’t allow yourself to do it. Give yourself a month or two to allow for this new scheduled appointment and I guarantee it will eventually be like routine.

I have learned that scheduling time for me allows me to be a better person, mom, wife, friend and teacher. I use this time to fill my tank, working out brings me joy and happiness. It isn’t ideal for me to get up at the crack of dawn but I do, because it is the only time I get to myself during the day. If I don’t get this time I feel anxious and feel sluggish all day.

Make you a priority, because if you don’t trust me no one else will.


Counting Macros


Just Do It