A breakthrough…..

I had a breakthrough this weekend!!! I had a glass of eggnog. Now you may be thinking ‘oh wow big deal’ but to me, this was a big deal.

You may be questioning how one has a breakthrough with eggnog????? Well let me tell you, I was never turned off by the name (well maybe when I was younger), I had tastes of it here and there but you know what scared me most about eggnog? The calorie content!

I can admit that I was petrified to have eggnog because of the CALORIE CONTENT, let me repeat that, the calorie content. Like what the hell!! Who is afraid of food or drinks because of the calories. Well I can admit I am one of those people.

So that is where my breakthrough came about this weekend. I had a glass (or 2 or 3) of eggnog and loved every sip of it. I didn’t care what the calories were, I didn’t even think about it while I was drinking it. I sat with my family as we had a wonderful movie night and sipped my eggnog while snacking on some treats.

Sometimes a breakthrough is revolutionary and monumental and sometimes it is just learning to say yes to things that make you happy and only come around for 1-2 months of the year. 


F*ck It


I love to travel